FarmBot Express needs to be mounted on top of supporting infrastructure such as a typical raised garden bed. Where you decide to install your FarmBot will determine what type of supporting infrastructure you need.

In the next sections we offer advice for building two types of supporting infrastructure: a fixed raised bed and a mobile raised bed. However, not every type of infrastructure is suitable for all of our kits. Refer to the table below to see our recommendations.

Fixed Raised Bed Mobile Raised Bed
Express :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Express XL :heavy_check_mark: :no_entry:
Express MAX :heavy_check_mark: :no_entry:

Be prepared

If you recently ordered a FarmBot, you may want to begin building your supporting infrastructure while your FarmBot is in the mail. This way you’ll be prepared for a faster assembly time when your package arrives.

What’s next?